Monday, October 22, 2012

The birth of a baby is supposed to be one of the most joyous experiences of a woman's life. The birth of my son, my second child, was anything but. He was born with underdeveloped kidneys and intestines. His first surgery was within the first 24 hours of his life. Doctors told me to "appreciate whatever time I had with him"; he was not expected to live.

The year was 1983, and ultrasounds were not the "norm" back then. I never even had one while I was pregnant with him. So when Derek was born "less than perfect", to say it was shocking is an understatement. I was treated like an outcast in the hospital after his birth, left alone in my room with no baby in my arms and drugged up in hopes I wouldn't realize it.

This story is actually one of hope; one of courage & determination. It is a story I hope will touch your heart, that may bring comfort to someone else that may be going through a tough time. I hope it will inspire you in many ways.

I say Derek was born "less than perfect", but he is actually one of God's masterpieces! The definition of masterpiece is "a consummate example of skill or excellence of any kind." Psalm 139:15 states: "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret & skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth." Derek was not a mistake God made - he was born just as God had planned right from the start!

This journey I am about to venture back into will be heart-wrenching for me. These experiences were so difficult the first time! But as I tell Derek's story, I'm hoping to re-experience the joys & blessings I've found along the way one more time as well. And I truly hope to inspire someone to not give up hope, to persevere in the face of darkness when all hope seems lost. I hope you'll join me for an incredible story!

                                                                       November, 1983

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